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Blog on Digital Marketing and Helpful Content on Various Topics

Web Design & SEO

Video Marketing

Marketing & Branding

Health & Wellness

The blog posts on this site are all designed to help you get the most out of your marketing efforts. We cover a wide range of topics that can be helpful to both new and seasoned marketers.

We provide tips and tricks that we’ve picked up in our years of experience for different digital marketing services. We also offer information on health and wellness.

The digital marketing industry has undergone a lot of changes in the past few years. The exponential growth in the use of social media and the increased usage of mobile devices has created a new environment for marketers to work in.

As a result, marketing trends have shifted so that marketers need to be more creative and innovative than ever before. Once they find an audience, they need to keep them engaged and find ways for them to interact with each other. Digital marketers can’t just be one-dimensional thinkers anymore. They need to know how to build an audience, generate content that resonates with their target demographic, understand customer needs through user analytics, and create appropriate messaging for every channel – from blog posts to email campaigns.

Common Sense Aint So…

Common Sense Aint So…

...Common! There were two guys working for the city. One would dig a hole, he would dig, dig, dig, the other would come behind him and fill the hole, fill, fill, fill. These two men worked furiously. One digging a hole, the other filling it up again. A man was...

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Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones

Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones

From the New York Times... Most mornings as I leave the Y after my swim and shower, I cross paths with a coterie of toddlers entering with their caregivers for a kid-oriented activity. I can’t resist saying hello, requesting a high-five, and wishing them a fun time. I...

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Top 12 Ways To Keep Customers Engaged

Top 12 Ways to Keep Customers Engaged

Every customer is valuable like silver, and the repeat customers are golden. Not only do they keep coming back, but they do a bunch of word-of-mouth advertising for you. One study out of the Harvard Business School found that “increasing customer retention rates by...

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Can This Radio Detect Your Mood And Play Songs To Match?

Can this radio detect your mood and play songs to match?

Would we get on better with clever machines if they understood what mood we were in? Many roboticis and computer engineers seem to think so, because they're always trying to make their creations more human. Take Solo, the "emotional radio", for example. A wall-mounted...

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Logistics Jobs Will Need Filling In Canada

Logistics jobs will need filling in Canada

Logistics jobs will need filling in Canada In the next 10 years, more than 177,375 jobs will need to be filled in four transportation sectors across the four Western Canadian provinces, according to findings released from the Asia Pacific Gateway Corridor Labour...

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Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips

Be Clear and Direct: When you compose your Email messages, remember that your readers are busy people. Many are working professionals with many responsibilities and demands on their time, and therefore, don't have time to figure out what you're offering. Your readers...

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A Galaxy Far Far Away…Secret Revealed…

May the Marketing Force be with you... Change is in the air. Nothing is permanent but change. We have heard this and we also know about it. But what are we doing to embrace this change? What strategies are we developing to adapt to change?...

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New Habits To Build Wealth

New Habits to Build Wealth

New Year is perfect for new habits to build wealth. The New Year is just starting so let’s talk about something that a lot of people discuss at this time of year. WEALTH. People what to know how to save, where to find the money and how much to save to be wealthy. So...

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Branding with a Mindset to Success

A Marketing tool that does it all...Earn while you Learn We all know how hard it is to cope with the internet world out there. There is so much going on - from Websites to Facebook to YouTube…the list is endless. How about if someone waved a wand and made it simple to...

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Fall seven times and stand up eight.”

— Japanese Proverb

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